
I know some of you are waiting for me to update but I am not only in a writers block but I am completely emotionally unstable  so I will try to update when I feel better ~ thank you for the support!


@artificiallyyours i know exactly how you feel. im sorry. push through, get better soon. take a lot of time to yourself and know your emotions are valid! xo


Since you are a writer. I was wondering if you could read a few chapters of my book Tutei and give me some advice on writing or something. It would really be helpful.  This is my first book ever so I don’t really know that much


I know some of you are waiting for me to update but I am not only in a writers block but I am completely emotionally unstable  so I will try to update when I feel better ~ thank you for the support!


@artificiallyyours i know exactly how you feel. im sorry. push through, get better soon. take a lot of time to yourself and know your emotions are valid! xo


Hey love ‹3 I feel like I'm intruding your wattpad profile but it would really mean a lot if you check out my book. It's titled ‘Red Jeffery Backspaces’ and I've just started uploading it. And having readers, who'll tell you what they like and what they don't means alot. It's an adult action romance, spy-ish stuff.
          Your likes, comments, critisism, opinion would be very much appreciated. (only if you're interested. It's totally fine if it's not your cup of tea!)
          It's not the best, but I've tried my best.
          Sending you love ‹3