
          	Hi all, it’s been a while.
          	I’m at university now, and I think it’s quite obvious I’m not continuing ‘Undiscovered’ on Wattpad.
          	To avoid plagiarism in my degree I have decided to unpublish ‘Undiscovered’, so if anyone wants to save it indefinitely please do so now.
          	If anyone wants to dm me, feel free :)
          	Thanks again for helping me discover my dream of pursuing a creative writing degree!
          	Wishing everyone well ❤️
          	- C x


          Hi all, it’s been a while.
          I’m at university now, and I think it’s quite obvious I’m not continuing ‘Undiscovered’ on Wattpad.
          To avoid plagiarism in my degree I have decided to unpublish ‘Undiscovered’, so if anyone wants to save it indefinitely please do so now.
          If anyone wants to dm me, feel free :)
          Thanks again for helping me discover my dream of pursuing a creative writing degree!
          Wishing everyone well ❤️
          - C x


Dayum my reads suddenly spiked, I’m sorry there’s been no updates but with Covid-19 and the unknown outcome of exams I have had to focus on getting my coursework done just in case the deadline is moved forward xxx
          Nearly finished this chapter xxxx


Everything is crazy! Take it seriously, but not too seriously. Panic does nothing to help any situation, so just do what you can! 


It’s been a while, sorry :/
          I’ve had a lot of exams but I’m pushing on to get an update out xx
          Hope everyone has been having a good few months ❤️


Haha brain skills XD


Yo! I’m doin great! School sucks but you do what you gotta do to improve your brain skills! Take your time with updates!


No updates until February, I’ve got interviews and need to study for exams. Xx 
          Will still be online if anyone has any questions :)
          Enjoy January ❤️


@Ahyoka4bs thank you xxx ❤️


Okay.  Best wishes. 