
Heyy people!!!
          	Hi I know i have been away for a while but just so uk I am having my CA foundation exams which are ending in 26th of June and I will be continuing my books again meaning more updates and more stories 
          	Firstly I'll complete The mysterious Mafia Queen series since I really want everyone to read that and there will be some changes in it so please wait for it 
          	Secondly I'll complete my first book the Indian Princess of the kpop world and continue with the rest of the books 
          	Lastly please corporate since it's been going alot already in my life and just a few weeks and all your waiting will be over i have very interesting stories and stuff for you guys so 
          	Stay tune!!!! 
          	Your lovely author,


Heyy people!!!
          Hi I know i have been away for a while but just so uk I am having my CA foundation exams which are ending in 26th of June and I will be continuing my books again meaning more updates and more stories 
          Firstly I'll complete The mysterious Mafia Queen series since I really want everyone to read that and there will be some changes in it so please wait for it 
          Secondly I'll complete my first book the Indian Princess of the kpop world and continue with the rest of the books 
          Lastly please corporate since it's been going alot already in my life and just a few weeks and all your waiting will be over i have very interesting stories and stuff for you guys so 
          Stay tune!!!! 
          Your lovely author,


HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!! 
          As u can see I am back again after a long time and I am extremely sorry for uk vanishing suddendly...I had some personal issues going on due to which i had to stop updating but then seeing my notifications going 900+ i feel ki yea its not fair to keep everyone waiting....soooooo I will be updating my remaining  books but since my boards are coming up I wont be able to update it very often but i will try my best!!! THANK YOU everyone for the love and support you guys have given to "INDIAN PRINCESS OF THE KPOP WORLD" (Yoongi ff) and pls keep om doing the same....thank you for waiting and hold ur breathes for the continuation of Chapter 14 Fouth Member of the INDIAN PRINCESS OF THE KPOP WORLD!!!!!!!! byeeeee


          I have my Finals starting from next week.
          Can anyone give me some good encouragement!?


@army_0212 all the best...