
Hey guys! I just posted Chapter 20 of Stiles Winchester: Second Story so take a look. Also I am reediting the old chapters of stories one and two so that each chapter is in small paragraphs not just one huge one so it will be easier to read and hold your place


Omg you're such an amazing writer!!! I originally read i think post of your first book, and it was amazing!!!! When i felt like reading fics like those again i immediately thought of you!! Thank you so much for writing your story, it is so cool and i love it to bits. Take care mate, and thank you once again!!!!


Hey guys! I just posted Chapter 20 of Stiles Winchester: Second Story so take a look. Also I am reediting the old chapters of stories one and two so that each chapter is in small paragraphs not just one huge one so it will be easier to read and hold your place


Hey guys! I hope everyone is well. I know a lot of you don't read my Confusion story, but if you could check it out that would be great. I am at a bit of a crossroads with this story and I would really love the input. Thank you to everyone who follows me and is active it really means a lot!!!


@ark4667 your story is actually great!