
Made a new discord server for the Six of Crows Duology, if you want to join here's the link:


Long time no see bud


@Sargent_Duck_Sauce no idea man, so it won't be soon


Btw just finished up


Hello? Is anyone there?


@aricat118 As do I. And you're welcome. :]


@FlameEmperor618 aww thanks man :) you're a very kind person. I hope we can continue to be friends, then


@aricat118 It is if I wanna be a good friend!


fkhuirhqwifh2oi what happened to Wattpad. Hiii anyways funny story. Umm... to be completely honest here, I completely forgot Wattpad existed. I got really used to just. Not looking at it. So it didn't really occur to me to actually check once I got back from my 3 weeks of hell. I don't actually do anything on Wattpad apart from RP, usually, so I didn't really have any reason to check until today where I followed a link and ended up here. Basically, I freaked out and now I'm messaging you guys! So, to make sure that this doesn't happen again, I think I'm gonna switch away from Wattpad because I just. Really don't wanna forget about you guys again. I know I kinda do this a lot but I swear I'm more active on Discord. Sooo I made a server to RP on or just chat, you can find that here:  
          So, yeah. If you're not comfortable with moving to Discord or don't want to because I'm really damn inconsistent, I totally get that. Just wanted to let you guys know because chances are that I'll completely forget about this site again...


OKAY I'm doubling down on work before my tournament and so I'll be gone for 3 weeks. Hope y'all understand!!


Basically I'll be missing a bunch of school for this tournament so I gotta go get all that stuff done as well as practice. So much... fun.


@aricat118 Oh? What's it about? :3


SO. HELLO. I KNOW IT'S BEEN QUITE A WHILE. I have made the decision to continue roleplaying, and I am truly sorry that I left for so long... life is like that sometimes. However, for the sake of my health and all of yours', I am going to be VERY selective with threads. I really hope this doesn't hurt anybody's feelings and please PLEASE don't take it personally because you are all wonderful people and I mean that. The thing is I just don't have the time or the sanity to respond to everything and I don't want to leave people hanging for months on end. If I do discontinue your thread, I really hope that you can respect my decision, and I will message you if that is the case. In the meantime, you may have to @ me if I forget to continue our conversation because holyyyy I have so many alerts and I'm not sure I can dig up all the conversations. If anybody reads this I would appreciate if you could alert me so that I know. Also, I know I've been inactive for a long time and I completely understand if you don't want to roleplay with me anymore because of this. I really hope you all will forgive me for leaving and being more selective, but I have made this decision based on what I think is best for everybody so... yeah. Well, it's good to be back, I suppose.


@aricat118 trust me brother i know what your going through 


Thank youuuuu!!!


I am so sorry that I haven't been responding this past week! See, I've sort of been banned from Wattpad (Don't even get me started on that.). I know this is really unfair for you guys but... I'll try to reply when I can but it's been pretty hard. Again, so sorry!


@aricat118 How did you manadge to get banned from Wattpad? I thought that's impposible?