
1. Standard/normal/regular
          2. Cootie Stalkers
          3. Glowing Cootie Zombie/Cootie Glowers
          4. Fog Cootie Zombie
          5. Super Cootie Zombie
          6. Cootie Brute
          7. Withered Cootie Zombie
          8. Clawed Stalker
          9. Cootie Runner
          10. Armored Cootie Zombie
          11. Latcher


Well it's something else.


Harems are simply just groups of girls claimed by boys at places with a few or none to compete with. Since the virus and mutations affected their reproduction organs, the girls are capable of giving birth to 1 to 3 babies per litter most of the time.


Patriarch groups are mostly a group of girls lead by a dominate boy. It can sometimes be more then one! As of this, the patriarch would keep up with a lot of girls. As it would sometimes would have a matriarch or a lead girl of a harem. During mating season, they would be challenge by younger individuals for dominance over females.


Matriarch groups would be led by a dominate female: who be either the tallest or was the most closest to whoever she had a crush on before. These groups would also have more then one matriarch! As the rest of the group consist of at least 15 virgin girls. It can sometimes be more. In which during mating season they would let a boy in and mates with all he wants: including the matriarch. As the matriarch would sometimes be challenge by bachelorettes from bachelorette groups.


Bachelorette groups would usually consist of up to 12 girls that leave their birth groups. It can sometimes be more then 12! The result is that they would remain within the bachelorette groups until either one or all of the girls encounter another: like sometimes another bachelorette group, matriarch group, harem or simply a patriarch group. They take turns challenging the lead girl of a harem or matriarch group. It would be until the either one wins. If one loses, the winner takes place.


Bachelor groups can be small or large. As they would be up to 8 boys. Sometimes it can be more then that! As of when one boy or the whole bachelor group comes to challenge an already existing dominate boy for a harem! The battle is all depends on what lies within the fate of either boy. If the lead boy wins, he continues to fight the rest of the bachelors. But if he loses, only one bachelor gets the prize. Sometimes all of them get it!