
I just got a really good idea
          	I’m not sure if this will 100% work BUT
          	I am a reality shifter so I scripted that my clone gets full subliminal results after listening to the subliminal 10 times...
          	I also scripted that she listens to a fox shifter subliminal 10 times
          	So in theory, when I get back...
          	I will be a fox shifter!
          	But first I have to shift to my dr...
          	Which I haven’t been able to do yet.
          	But I’m working on it!
          	I’ll tell you if it works! (you might have to wait like 5,000 years lmao)


I just got a really good idea
          I’m not sure if this will 100% work BUT
          I am a reality shifter so I scripted that my clone gets full subliminal results after listening to the subliminal 10 times...
          I also scripted that she listens to a fox shifter subliminal 10 times
          So in theory, when I get back...
          I will be a fox shifter!
          But first I have to shift to my dr...
          Which I haven’t been able to do yet.
          But I’m working on it!
          I’ll tell you if it works! (you might have to wait like 5,000 years lmao)