
ruhum bos artik bombos dolmadi dolmuyor dolmayacak sensiz 
          	bir evin icinde parmakliklar var kafami bile disari cikartamadigim 
          	o iki guzel sene biri sen biri bendim 
          	anilar sariyor bedenimi belki de yatacagim yer kefensiz 


I had a very bad day. it's very hard that my mom didn't accept me. I cried and thought all day long. I know that I changed before and I regret it. I don't know if you can believe it but now I believe that I have changed. I believe that I won't do stupid things like before. But I thought I could leave my friends but I couldn't because it feels so selfish because they didn't have anything to do with it, it was me who changed, I don't know what you think but I still love you and I don't think I can get over it, I don't think at all. I'm so sorry my life is ruined and so is my mental health I don't know what to do I'm so sorry for hurting you so much that I wanted to hurt myself and I still do but I still think about you behind my back so I can't. please try to take care of yourself because if that doesn't happen I can't take it anymore


yapacagim belki kendimi pek onemsemedigim icin gormuyorum ve haklisin beni biliyorsun benden daha iyi biliyorsun bunu yapip sana oyle yazacagim oyku ne zaman ki gorursun o zaman bilmiyorum belki tekrar devam ederiz ben sana asigim bu degismeyecek o gun soylemek istediklerimi soyleyemedim ben seni asabilecegimi sanmiyorum guven problemin var guvenmiyorsun ama neyse onu anlatiyorum cunku ihtiyacim var