
random things:
          I love freak show SO MUCH
          Also it would be cool to see techno vs phil except phil just radiates dad energy and scolds him about hair or something lmao
          sorry i just wanted to say that because i love their friendship
          any who, love your writing, can't wait for more


@moonistaken  haiii! im so glad u like freakshow, thank u for the compliments!!! i have something planned for phil later, just u wait ;)) 
            thank u for reading!!


Hey can I have some tips on writing stories. I recently started writing my own story and I wanna make it a good one


@Mattttttttam i'd recommend doing research on what youre writing about for sure if it has some realistic factors (for example, in my story i need to research about some things about LA) and if you have a favourite author, analyse what you like about their writing and see if you can adapt that into your own story.  one story i love to reread is the story 'the sniper' by liam o'flaherty, though its different for anyone (ex. stephen king, rick riordan, harry potter books). id also recommend a thesaurus to avoid repeating words too much in a sentence or paragraph but really really fancy words sometimes just dont work in a situation because of how out of place it looks. 
            sorry for the long message, but i hope this helps! this may not work for everyone, but this is just what works for me :) gl on writing your storY!