
this message may be offensive
Is anyone else still pissed off that they killed Allison off of teen wolf because Scott loved the shit out of her or is it just me? 


Hi guys !!  i know that I should have finished my other books first....but....i couldn't help but start a new one. It's called Need You and it's a lashton one. I already have two chapters up. I'll have another one up some time this week too


For anyone out there who lives in the US and is scared of what may happen to themselves or their families, just know that I am always here for you. Do not live in fear of what this man can do. Do not give him the satisfaction of knowing that he can scare people into doing what he wants. You can make your own choices. Do not let Trump rule over you and make you cower in fear. Be yourself. LQBTQ+ community, I know that it's easier said than done, but be yourself. POC, I know it's easier said than done, but be yourself. Trump cannot and will not change the opinions of the American people. We are America. Home of the brave. Land of the free. Express yourself and don't let someone like Trump bring you down. Things will be okay. Do not fear your President. Do not fear your government. Do not fear your community. Do not fear your family. Do not fear anyone who is trying to bring you down. We're America and we can make it out of anything. If you need to talk to someone, I am here for you, 100%. No matter who you are. I will not let someone like him hurt you guys. I care about you guys a lot. If we can make it out of the Depression, if we can make it out of a civil war, if we can make it out of 2008 and come out on top, then we can do it again. There are hotlines if you need them. Friends and family. Myself. We are all here for you. Trump is the president. But he is not your community. He is not your school administrators. He is not your neighbors. He is not your family. He is not your friends. He is not me. And he is not you. Please don't live in fear because of him. 


@xibisxirwinx Agreed. People need to live their lives like they want too.


Okay this may seem extra...but I'm extra af so.... I'm currently in the process of writing a Fem!Mikey story, I wont post it until i have like the first couple chapters though, and I decided to make cute little Mikey his own Tumblr cause I'm extra af. But yeah if you guys wanna follow it the username is littlegirlmikeyc