
Hey guys I have went threw and updated all of the older chapters of my story dimensions they are more detailed and better and I have also started working on chapter 13 I am only 200 words in but I am planning on making this one a long one so make sure to leave comments because it really gets me motivated to do this so thank you guys


Hey guys I have went threw and updated all of the older chapters of my story dimensions they are more detailed and better and I have also started working on chapter 13 I am only 200 words in but I am planning on making this one a long one so make sure to leave comments because it really gets me motivated to do this so thank you guys


Hey guys i know i havent posted for a while. But hangon put away your pitchforks,torches, and rpgs i have a reason for that.the reason is because wattpad wouldnt work everytime i clicked on it it would say "sorry but wattpad has stopped working" so i would delete it and reinstall it but it still wouldnt work but about 2 days ago i was running out of storage so i went threw my stuff to delete and i found some wattpad data so i deleted it and for some reason that gave me the idea to redownload and guess what happened.........IT WORKED. So now i am back and will be updating my books again so i hope you enjoy.
          New book?!?!


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@anthonytrent02 ... it's about fucking time lol


Hi. It's cool that you're learning Arabic. I'm not learning it but I'm a linguist and I've looked into it a bit. Don't let it scare you if they say that it's hard the hardest part of learning it is the alphabet. Besides reading and writing in it, it's not too difficult. ; )


@iREDthatBook um well my moms side of the famly is from the middle east but i dont know where its over next to iran somewhere


Somebody who studies languages. I'm not professional so maybe I should have said I like linguistics. Um, just a question, but, what makes you want to learn Arabic?


@iREDthatBook ya also wuts a linguist