
Going to rewrite 'our love story' to correct previous mistake..... 
          	Wait for next update! Yeah? 


I think you re update chapter 32 when you will update new chapter


@thvgukklyrics yeah I'm also muslim i didn't know you're also muslim eid mubarak in advance ❤


@thvgukklyrics it by mistake get unpublished , so I have to republish it. However, don't worry cause of religious festival matter (Ramadan) I can't update but I will update next Saturday. 


          Let's talk about 'Can you forgive me' story!!! How story going on? And about 'Our love story' What your all thought about this story? Must share as I need to know. Don't be silent!!!
          Thank you!!!   


@ansarshaikh12 can you forgive me " My favorite story please update often that story ❤


@ansarshaikh12 can you forgive me " This one


          My lovelies, I decided I should complete any one story first as I am so engross in my studies. I don't wanna distract or something through my routine that's why. Thus, you guys suggest me which novel should I complete first. After its confirm, I will tried to upload episodes at Sunday or Saturday. Okay? 
          Thank you!


@ansarshaikh12 can you forgive me please I am waiting for it since many days


          Well, today I was writing an next episode of novel and then saw mine follower leaving my account. Did I really deserved it? Each and every day taking out time through my hard schedule I returned back at watt pad, lastly only to saw less follower and some of you unfollowing me too. Today, I got extremely disappointed and distracted. Yesterday, my exam finished thus today I set up to write further Part yet what I saw indeed discouraged me. 
          Every writer, who write story, only they know how it's feel when you read and just left. However, I'm not expecting any vote or something through you people. Yet, If you had to unfollowed us then why the hell you follow us on first place. You can't envision, how it hurt after witnessing your invisible act. It indeed hurt like hell. 
          If you don't liking my any of story or any of it Part, just comment me. If I am not doing any best on my any of story then just suggest me but please don't play follow and unfollow game with me. Moreover, I am announcing to mine over all follower and reader's, whether you don't liking any of my work or have to left my account in future thus just do it now. Cause I don't want to feel something similar to this, hurtfull movement in future. 
          Sorry and thank you! 


@ansarshaikh12 I'm glad that you think about it and no need to thanks... I understand your feelings and think about to tell you not to give up on anything for some fake people...


@Taekookffbtsff That something I got already yet thank you very and very much to share your thought and to motivate me! I won't stop writing as I know how eagerly my readers always wait for me to update parts. I really love my each followers who are genuinely supporting me. And I really don't care about who wanna follow me and unfollow, the thing only matter to me now; complete mine stories and wait for your all's reaction on it. Well, once again thanks for getting my feeling and comfort me!! 


@ansarshaikh12 I know how you feels... This happen to me many times on YouTube... I'm a Wattpad and YouTube author and I can understand your feelings... Listen to me just do what I did with myself in this situation... I thought that I should not care about those fake people who play this type of game... Real readers always stay by your side and never leave you... So for the sake of real readers continue your story... Just think about those readers who wait patiently just to read next part... Some people wait for story to end so that they can easily read it later... Those people also wait so patiently to complete the story so that they can read... Well I'm new follower of you and I'm saying to you that don't think about those people... Think about why you starts writing at the first place?? Because you want to share your stories and imagination with people and those people whom you are sharing and also they are supporting you not leaving you... Think about those people also then I'm sure you will get motivation and again write further on story... I hope my reply help you...


Hello reader's !
          I am so disappointed today, who going through my story know better I am new here. Moreover, doing my best to write something different. Still, why someone had to snatch mine idea. Please! Whether somewhere find story similar to mine, just informed me. I didn't even complete half story yet some writer coping mine. That's surely hurting me. 


@ansarshaikh12 pls share the persons I'd we'll report it author 