
@FutureMarine2020 I eat more healthy now. So that I feel better about my weight knowing that is not from  fatty food. That sounds weird but I don't really know how to word it. 


@Derek-Bobson I know that this is a late reply (and you may not believe that this is me) but thanks for that website. I’m trying really hard to beat this disorder. 


@anorexia-girl if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to you can talk to me or use the website called 'beat eating disorders', it's based in the UK so I dunno if it'll work for youif you're not living here and they have a live chat service and recovery information. It's really useful too.


@anorexia-girl that's good:) keep eating healthily and soon you'll be getting better and you'll be able to eat junk food too:) I know how this feels and I know you don't know me but I'm proud of you:)


Hey kitty’s!!! (WOW is been long time since I’ve said that! ) it’s me, Ender. 
          Now I know you guys probably won’t believe me, I know I wouldn’t, but I’m back (ish) and wont to clear some things up. 
          I started this account when I was 13 years old. I had lost a friend and fellow down the deep dark pit of depression. I need a place to get it out. That was here. You guys welcomed me with open arms. I grew up with you guys. Heck! I even asked you guys to pick my braces color (I got a teal blue when I got them one btw however that was back in freshmen year!) . But I was also pretty dumb. I used my moms email to set up this account and wrote down my login information in an easy to access place. My mom ended up finding and changing my login information and logging me out. I tried for months to get back in, but nothing ever worked. I cried more then not. I lost hope in every getting in. I believed that no one would notice and never even message this account again. But when I checked up this account tonight, I seen people still posting like it’s still active. So being the now cautions girl that I am, I made a different account (meant for weight loss and not connected to my personal one) and decided to post a message for you all to see. 
          Now I know that you probably won’t believe anything that I just said. I probably won’t either.  But I had to let you guys know what happened, I just left you all without a reason or saying goodbye. If you believe me and would like to, please message me. 
          It’s sad to think this is probably the last time I can say this..... goodbye kitty’s. I love you guys ♥️. 


Hi I absolutely hate doing this but currently my past followers are dead, due to my two month break. I noticed your comment under a walking dead fan fiction and I’m currently writing one about Carl and It would mean a lot if u could check it out and maybe save it to your library if u enjoy it. Feedback and opinions are greatly appreciated as I’m trying to improve my writing due to my dyslexia:/


Hey just wanted to say hi cause I'm 14 and anorexic too.  If you ever wanna talk, find someone to relate to, or even get an ana buddy (only if you want), talk to me.
          Also, excellent taste in music.  I love MCR, All Time Low, and pretty much all the bands you listed.  10/10.
          - that one emo chick in the corner


Hey kitty! Sorry for a late reply ( and from a different account too! I explain that all in the post I just put up on this message board). I’m  now 18 (I’ve been off this account for so many years ). However I am also pro-recovery and losing weight the healthy way ( I still fall down sometimes.) but I’m always here if you need someone to talk to! Please feel free to message me! 


@FutureMarine2020 I eat more healthy now. So that I feel better about my weight knowing that is not from  fatty food. That sounds weird but I don't really know how to word it. 


@Derek-Bobson I know that this is a late reply (and you may not believe that this is me) but thanks for that website. I’m trying really hard to beat this disorder. 


@anorexia-girl if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to you can talk to me or use the website called 'beat eating disorders', it's based in the UK so I dunno if it'll work for youif you're not living here and they have a live chat service and recovery information. It's really useful too.


@anorexia-girl that's good:) keep eating healthily and soon you'll be getting better and you'll be able to eat junk food too:) I know how this feels and I know you don't know me but I'm proud of you:)