
yeah been through a lot but im gud but wbu dear respectful person? :)


2 months later: what is this crap ._.


let me start off this convo that i will end with a simple sentence: it's libra season and everyone around me is MAD as hell, so, i made the conclusion that that is the reason most libras have anger issues (sorry not sorry) :p


yeah been through a lot but im gud but wbu dear respectful person? :)


2 months later: what is this crap ._.


let me start off this convo that i will end with a simple sentence: it's libra season and everyone around me is MAD as hell, so, i made the conclusion that that is the reason most libras have anger issues (sorry not sorry) :p


this message may be offensive
          okay, jeez anonymousassauthor, don't greet everyone like this! notlikethis
          sorry guys
          so ive been really LIKE REALLY long gone for a reason
          living under patrick star's rock (kinda)
          i went to fix my screen and well since apparently its hard to fix so its taking a really long time to fix and so i decided to open up my really old laptop today and holy shit i cant believe i could login to wattpad my Serotonin levels went:
          im happy to be back, i missed technology and the internet and shit, and i missed humans on here mostly :)
          btw, if your wondering, my notification count is 339
          eh, not much ik, tho idk I MISSED YOU GUYS ALOT :(( !!
          im happy to be back for at least this day, since i don't have much battery life on this laptop and i dont have the charger, idk where it went but-
          who cares, at least i have some little time to say hello again :)
          so, hi guys! missed you :))))))
          and love you /srs
          now... what did i miss?
          i cant cover all of the fandoms im interested in, in one day but i'll do my best.
          (sorry im just happy to the extreme lol)
          oxygen magnesium (OMg) im back for at least a few hours
          seems too goo to be true tbh!
          but i'll make the most of it <3
          and yes, everything will be normal again once i get my screen fixed in the near future.
          patience, anonymous, patience.
          anyways, if you are reading this, hope you have a good day or night :)
          i hope you get eternal happiness in your life, cuz you rock! (how cheesy)
          yeah, why not? :)  <3


this message may be offensive
i stg that me and my (shity ass -no, you were not meant to read this btw-) family are PROFESSIONAL burglars? thieves? idk, but we know our house WAYYYYYYYY too well to the point that we even have to  just*casually* BREAK IN to just get in, because when you'd close any door in the house you'd get locked out bc only someone from he inside can open it. but oh boy this family knows how to break the rules of fucking gravity <3 (srry not srry newton)
          honestly, its just really easy. you just gotta curve your hand through a hole in the sides of the door and *click!* you're in. congrats! :)
          oh, and did i also mention that you'll need long arms for this??
          okay now im rethinking me whole life and the security system we have here- uh OH MonkaS MonkaS MonkaS
          anyways, i've finally gotten over this writer's block I've been dealing with (it just ever ends, does it? smh) and im a teeennnyy tinnyyy bit more motivated to actually write. yuh. just simple plain old writing.
          hope you have great day reading this, and please don't be surprised if me and my family end up breaking into your house just so that i can kith you hi :) <3 you're welcome, have a good one ladies and gentlemen.
          (im so sexy hahaha)
          not rlly pls-
          (repost cuz i made spelling mistakes without even correcting them lol)




yeah just another day of being an anonymousassauthor hehe :)


*comes back to laugh at all of my spelling mistakes*


happy (late) juneteenth!! sorry i couldn't make it in time, i didn't have wifi bc of strict ass parents, we went on a camping trip with no signal no nothing so yeah, i couldn't post this, but anyways... WE LOVE BLACK PEOPLE AND WE RESPECT THEM AND WE LOVE ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE AND WE RESPECT THEM AND ALSO BLM ALL THE WAY ✊✊✊✊✊ 
          I, as a white person will stand with black people and all kinds of people and I, will protect them from any harm by doing all that i can do. I hate racist people, so if you are one then get outta here you're not welcome. unfollow me. do whatever you wanna do with me, i will ALWAYS stand with black lives. all lives matter, but black lives do matter more currently. if you're a black author or reader, be sure to express your pride and help us all as humans educate ourselves and help us understand you, and teach us how to respect you. if i or any other human does it wrongly, then please tech me/ them how to do it right, i'll do anything to at least show respect and love for you black people, because i really do mean it. i love yall so much, don't ever think bad about yourselves, EVER! i love all kinds of people and i respect all kinds, and you, whoever is reading this, no matter of your sexuality, race, ethnicity, skin color, religion... ect. i love you too! thanks for being amazing, keep shining like the star you are even if it isn't night time right now for you <3 
          ...y'know, stars do exist in the daylight too, they just cant be seen well. (its bc stars are suns and suns are stars). maybe people don't see the amazing inside of you, so show them. show them how powerful and amazing you can be :)


sometimes i hate wattpad, the emojis wouldn't show correctly :(


this message may be offensive
might have failed my final mathematics exam (online)...
          I took my fucking time to realize i haven't even finished half of the exam yet and there was only 15 mins left...
          so i basically spent 1 hour and 45 mins in a room of 40°C (bc i forgot to turn on the ac before we started, fuck. and i also live in a really hot country which is basically a desert in a nutshell) solving 13 easy questions, to realize in the last 15 mins i haven't even TOUCHED the hard questions. fuck yeah ♫ im so successful! ♫
          i was basically SHAKING in those last 15 mins (even tho the room was hot as fuck like dayum shawty!) and thanks to my VERY fast typing skills (which is probably 13WPM for you nerds) i was able to submit IN THE LAST SECOND. I looked at the meeting to see 1 other person left with me and they where CHILL AS HELL (even tho hell is probably not chill) AND i just smiled at my "success" :)
          yeah no shit sherlock I FAILED THE HELL OUTTA SCHOOL (im mean it makes sense, school is hell righhhttt?) :(
          NOW I HAVE TO STUDY FOR THE. WORST. SUBJECT. EVER. (wish me luck!)
          i did not expect my 6th of june to go like this...
          hold on i just realized that i haven't even gotten AN HOUR OF SLEEP. fuck.
          omg yeah BEST DAY EVERRRRRR WOOOO!

          HOLD ON-
          if i get less than 15 out of 30, i might get a D IN THIS YEAR'S MATH GRADE
          LG, bitches. Life's good. :)
          if you randomly decided to read this ily <3


@anonymousassauthor lmao,your worse then me,I finished 6 questions in the first 20 mins cuz of the internet then a speed ran across the math