
chapter 17 is posted for all you who have been waiting


Hi anndddii ...I am bube ,i really love your story tease but the way you ended it was so sad i have an idea for other chapters 
          So if it is okay for me to publish tease-2 still rendering you as the author and me the franchise please get back to me soonest 


I don't understand why u make chapter 17 private everyone really want to see it i follow you but it does not work and i really love the book and if the reasons you decided  to take it down was beacause of other people had their own opinions about i would ignore it because look how many people really want it we love that type of stuff thats the juicy part but anyway i love the book ♥️♥️ i just really wish you would keep the chapter out instead of private bye luv ya


@allayahisadorable um it's still not working I am currently trying to read chapter 17 and I am following you and I'm so sad!


@allayahisadorable im switching it dont worry