
Next chapter may take a bit longer. Need to get caught up on a few things.


I'm working on something right now. Not sure when it will be ready.


@annamorphos Awesome! I'm in Cedar City and loving it but will be moving to Saint George soon. If you ever travel this way again I'd love to meet you! 


@SydneyAdams3 Awesome! Utah's a great state. I traveled through there and stopped off in Salt Lake City. :)


I know you are really busy, but I just wanted to let you know that I am extremely excited for your next update. I hope you are well and safe. No need to rush any updates, but I do sincerely hope that you finish the sequel to the Walkers. You have an amazing talent that I can only dream of so please continue to bless us with your stories whenever you have time. Sending well wishes and love to you in this time. Stay safe.