
Hi everyone!
          	Today’s chapter of Against All Odds is one of my favorites, so many rewrites and edits to this one because of what it’s focusing on. Despite the third POV, it’s been a whole lot of Alaina, as she’s the main protagonist. However, this chapter will be very Damon dominated. 
          	We’ve seen the low points of his personality, the outward his bad attitude and stupid misinterpretations—now, we get a glimpse into his head. And with that, we get a genuine interaction between him and Alaina, without hostility, mostly. 
          	Additionally, we meet a new character, but he’s not here to stay. He causes a little harmless trouble and disappears, quite the first impression. Who is he? Where did he come from? When will we meet him again? Only time will tell :) 
          	Hope you all have a nice day!
          	With love, 
          	Anivia ♡


Hi everyone!
          Today’s chapter of Against All Odds is one of my favorites, so many rewrites and edits to this one because of what it’s focusing on. Despite the third POV, it’s been a whole lot of Alaina, as she’s the main protagonist. However, this chapter will be very Damon dominated. 
          We’ve seen the low points of his personality, the outward his bad attitude and stupid misinterpretations—now, we get a glimpse into his head. And with that, we get a genuine interaction between him and Alaina, without hostility, mostly. 
          Additionally, we meet a new character, but he’s not here to stay. He causes a little harmless trouble and disappears, quite the first impression. Who is he? Where did he come from? When will we meet him again? Only time will tell :) 
          Hope you all have a nice day!
          With love, 
          Anivia ♡


A funny observation I’ve made is that literally every writer I’ve seen on here uses the phrase “dimly lit” at least once in their book, and I’m guilty of it too. I guess it’s just one of those phrases that’s easy to use when talking about places that aren’t well lit, its just interesting that it’s a common term that’s nearly universal among writers lol


Per usual, Wattpad is up to no good by introducing new things that mess with the system in place. Don’t know why they continue making life harder for writers and driving people away. I’ve been a loyal Wattpad girly since I joined back in 2014, and I don’t plan on leaving because of these changes, but they really need to get it together. Anyways, for my pals who wanna keep up privately add not post on message boards for conversations, my discord is below and I’ll include on my profile as well. Let’s hope the unnecessary changes stop here :/ 
          Discord: solastaria


@aniviawrites Thank you! I’m happy you are and I truly don’t mind adding you either 


@_melsbooks Of course, I’m happy to add anyone who friends me. I accepted you as well!


@aniviawrites Hi I added you on Discord, I hope that’s okay that I do 


Good day everyone! 
          These next two chapters for Against All Odds are kinda going to sound like filler, because all the chapters have been so drama packed previously, but they’re the bridge to the next events, some exciting stuff is coming.
          A minor change was made, the new canon is that Chris wears glasses a lot, not prescribed and not for vision purposes, just for the aesthetic. They’re circular, black framed glasses he wears often, but not always. I updated the existing chapters to include the detail, and it will show up going forward, too.
          In other news, I know I’m behind with my R4R’s, but I’ll catch up with those in the next few days. I was spending the past few days being crafty with a birthday card, I had so many ideas and I ended up using none of them and switching it up. Indecision at its best lol.
          With love,
          Anivia ♡


@L_Starr Thank you! It fits Chris’ vibe, and the birthday card did indeed go well :)


@aniviawrites Love the glasses change! Adds character. 
            Hope the birthday card worked out well :)


Does anyone else love rain but not thunderstorms? 
          Rain is soothing and peaceful, I’ll use rain sounds to fall asleep or if it’s raining outside, it’ll put me in a really motivated mood. But thunderstorms? They make me feel so uneasy, because they’re so loud and rumbly, to where you can feel it in your chest. The lightning where I am is terrible, too, so it literally lights up my whole room when it’s dark.