
If you are unhappy with the way the season ended then check out my latest chapter of ‘forever yours,’ it’s my version of the ending of season 7 please check it out, we all deserved an ending where Bellamys breathing and alive 


@angstblake I read it :D It was good thank you for writing it <3, the 100 is a really good show but they should've stuck to the books a little more because a lot of times after like season 3 where there was bad writing and the plot just spiraled. It was fine and watchable though. that is until season 7, season 7 just sucked lmao.


@xXspeechlessXx yes periodt baby boy deserved so much better but I think my version would have been a great ending for him if you want to read :)


@angstblake  the bad writing in season 7 that killed Bellamy will never be forgiven </3


If you are unhappy with the way the season ended then check out my latest chapter of ‘forever yours,’ it’s my version of the ending of season 7 please check it out, we all deserved an ending where Bellamys breathing and alive 


@angstblake I read it :D It was good thank you for writing it <3, the 100 is a really good show but they should've stuck to the books a little more because a lot of times after like season 3 where there was bad writing and the plot just spiraled. It was fine and watchable though. that is until season 7, season 7 just sucked lmao.


@xXspeechlessXx yes periodt baby boy deserved so much better but I think my version would have been a great ending for him if you want to read :)


@angstblake  the bad writing in season 7 that killed Bellamy will never be forgiven </3


this message may be offensive
Jrat, you fucking rascist, homophobic twat. I hope you are fuckign happy. Whoever thought that last episode was a good idea is a fucking idiot. I am heartbroken and hurt. Bellamy Blake was a savior. Bellamy Blake who ran into black rain to save his people. Bellamy Blake who brought Clarke Griffin back to life. Bellamy Blake who followed his sister to Earth to keep her safe. Bellamy Blake, leader of the delinquents. Bellamy Blake, a hero. He is my comfort character and will always hold a special place in my heart. I love you Bellamy.
          I’m peace may you leave the shore, in love may you find the next, safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground,
          May we meet again Bellamy Blake <3


@angstblake dude im sobbing ),:


IM SO LIVID RN IDK IF I SHOULD BE SAD OR MAD BUT IM BOTH! I hate Jason so much rn.  May we meet again Bellamy Blake :,(