
Hey everyone I'm really sorry for the messing updates and I'm sorry to those who have been waiting for update and I haven't been posting since long time I had my personal reasons but no worries Im back on track and currently I'm doing some major edits in 'Saving a Songbird' the story remains same but Im erasing some unwanted parts and errors I made. 
          	And Cascade Of Darkness would be renamed and made to be a better version.
          	Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.


Hey everyone I'm really sorry for the messing updates and I'm sorry to those who have been waiting for update and I haven't been posting since long time I had my personal reasons but no worries Im back on track and currently I'm doing some major edits in 'Saving a Songbird' the story remains same but Im erasing some unwanted parts and errors I made. 
          And Cascade Of Darkness would be renamed and made to be a better version.
          Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.