
I absolutely LOVE your reading list
          I love that you love the Mortal Instruments
          I physically love that you love the Infernal devices because not a lot of people have read them
          And the Acotar series are amazing


Dear NOT Queen Herondale, 
          I would really appreciate it if you stopped parading around with that name, as it belongs to me. 
          With no love whatsoever,
          The real Queen Herondale 


@TheShadowchronicles oh no u did not,  jonathan is not dead, shut up agdjk  i may be "mrs morgenstern" but i will always be the only herondale sister.  Valentine had the herondale ring, doesn't mean he was a herondale, mundane :) good enough for u, miss who-are-you-again? ;)


@-QueenHerondale- Oh, no. Being around that psycho must have killed a few important brain cells. Here, I'll show you something *points to Herondale ring on finger*. Proof enough for you, Mrs. Morgue-nstern (get it, because Jonathan's dea- too soon?). 


            That's so cute that you think so...
            But, girl, no. Just no.
            I'm the original and *ONLY* Queen Herondale (Jace's sister and Jonathan's wife) xxx


The mortal instruments series, the hush hush series , red queen series, AND bts you're officially my favorite person 


Omg, yaaas! Someone who likes exactly the same things as me! It's quite rare to find. You're my favourite person too. Wait, maybe after Jungkook. Oh and Jimin. Oh and... Never mind, I'm a hoe, I have too many favourite people. You're one of my favourite people too, fellow reader and ARMY. :) 


I love your bio! I can relate so well! 


@ibespecialARMY I get you. I just listed the first few books that came to my mind but I could've added way more if I wanted to.


@ibespecialARMY yup. My bio is weird, too. I couldn't fit everything I wanted to, but I love the Mortal Instruments, as well. I read a lot even outside of wattpad so i couldnt list every series and that felt wrong to me so i left it basically blank. But dont worry im quite weird


@ibespecialARMY Aww thank you! Really? I thought I was the craziest person alive when I read my bio. But yaaas, someone is as weird as me.


OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! I love TMI and TID like you have no idea. Every time I read them I feel like my heart is bursting out of my chest. (And I also love Patch so much!!!!) 
          I love your book selection. 


@CheshireTam I love you too, Fellow Shadowhunter! I get you, TMI and TID does that to you. It's amazing and perfection. My first ever fandom was the TMI one and it is still one of my favourites.
            Ty, they're really good books x