
Hello everyone!
          	Unfortunately, I’ve fallen behind on writing due to yet another assessment period. So, Chosen - along with my other stories - will not be updated for a couple weeks. However I will let you know as soon as I’m back on track!


Hello everyone!
          Unfortunately, I’ve fallen behind on writing due to yet another assessment period. So, Chosen - along with my other stories - will not be updated for a couple weeks. However I will let you know as soon as I’m back on track!


Hello! So, this is the second time that I haven't published on Friday for Chosen, because I've gotten to busy and/or I just forgot. So now, please expect updates on Friday OR Saturday.
          Also! Edits on Chosen are still in progress, but when I finally catch up to where I've updated so far edits will be before I publish. Hopefully. You don't have to go back and read the chapter again, it's only minor tweaks. The biggest edits I've done is some slight changes in the conversations between people, but they don't affect the story so you should be fine not reading it again. Of course, if you want you can go back!


          So. I thought I’d let you know on what’s happening on of my (many) books.
          For those of you who know Parallel, thanks for looking at it/reading it.
          For those of you who don’t know, Parallel is a co-authored story that I am working on with @NiaTheseus. It’s an attempt at science fiction. (I think.)
          What about Parallel? Um, so, this may be a bit late, but I’m currently on holidays which means I can’t write with NiaTheseus. Which also means that there will be know updates on Parallel until I come back.
          Until the next announcement.


            Thank you. Thanks so much.
            And yes, autocorrect because I am typing on a very small screen right now


Yeah, we'll go with that! An attempt at science fiction, that works. That works quite well.
            'Which also means that there will be know updates on Parallel until I come back.' Guys there will be NO updates not KNOW updates. Did autocorrect get you there lol?
            'So. I thought I’d let you know on what’s happening on of my (many) books.' Dear friend. WHAT'S HAPPENING ON OF MY (MANY) BOOKS. I think you mean 'What's happening on ONE of my (many) books.' You poor thing autocorrect got you good.
            (If anyone who reads this can't tell, I am the (albeit self-proclaimed) grammatical and punctuation error editor lol.) (No we share all the writing and editing duties IGNORE ME.)


To whom it may concern,
          Some of you may have noticed - or read - my other story, Alimina. I started it in the hopes of updating it alongside Chosen, but I haven't been able to. Soooooooooo...
          I'm going to unpublish it for now.
          It will come back! Just now yet. I'm going to worry about and write Chosen for now, and when it is completed, I'll continue Alimina. I just don't want it to bring down anyone else's books.
          Hope you all are okay, and stay okay. :)


For those of you who care,
          The main book I'm writing now, Chosen, will have some changes made to it.
          Some - most, probably - of the previous chapters will be added to/edited. You don't have to go back and read them, I just thought I'd let you know if you happen to get a notification saying that. (I don't think you will, but just in case.)
          I would appreciate it sooooooo much if I got feedback on my story - if you happen to read it, no pressure - because it really does help to improve my stories. I'll try my best to incorporate your feedback as best I can.
          Thank for actually reading this :)


I forgot to mention that no MAJOR changes will be made. Nothing about the plot or main idea will be changed, (to be honest, that's way too much work and would ruin the rest of the story) only a couple of sentences added or rewritten. Maybe some minor details as well.


Should I continue my book? :/


@angelthinker01 eheheheh... I'll try! *Thumbs up*


@Ace_MADS Yes! Maybe if you work hard, you'll actually finish it! (which would be a MIRACLE) Please do. I'd love to read a story you actually FINISH
