
          	(You've been warned. Just ignore it if you feel uncomfortable)
          	I just knew that one of my favourite account had been deleted. Their page is consisted of 4 stories, which 2 of em are copycat, but the other are wrote by themselves.
          	It's disappointing to knew that your favourite stories were belonged to other users, but you don't have to delete your WHOLE account. I mean, they got their own stories as well, which are excellent works!
          	Whoever you are, please come back :'(
          	I missed you~ :'(
          	[Also, I didn't know that the account was deleted by the owner or by Wattpad HQ through report]


          (You've been warned. Just ignore it if you feel uncomfortable)
          I just knew that one of my favourite account had been deleted. Their page is consisted of 4 stories, which 2 of em are copycat, but the other are wrote by themselves.
          It's disappointing to knew that your favourite stories were belonged to other users, but you don't have to delete your WHOLE account. I mean, they got their own stories as well, which are excellent works!
          Whoever you are, please come back :'(
          I missed you~ :'(
          [Also, I didn't know that the account was deleted by the owner or by Wattpad HQ through report]


It's so much disappointment to know one of your favourite story is a copycat


@helloilikebnhaships heywo~
            I'd like to follow you back since I don't write any stories XD
            It was a shame thou, and see how @bakaharaz wrote the other stories, they actually got talented. Some person needs clearance what are plagiarism and so on. The very core of fanfictions are about fun, so it supposed to be fun, not the opposite :'(


@angelica_firliana yeah, I saw your posts on the person who copied said stories’s profile and I really admired how you stood up for the authors! You’re an amazing person and it’s really cool to me that you were able to stand up for what’s right! All in all I hope you don’t mind me giving you a follow!~


Gue kira sapa anjir


@Cacacillya kekekekekekek jangan gitu dong :v


@angelica_firliana hampir gue unfoll kalo ga kepoin tadi :v