
Oh, listen, yall. I'm in a play. That practices are Hella long (5-7) hours this week. Next week I am back on it like flies on horse dung! I will see you all next week! Wish me luck


hello my dear friends. i am sorry to say but i need to move to my other account.  my current email will be cut off soon since it is my school email. all my stories will be put onto my new account so don't worry about that. I also got a new computer, so it is easier to write and post to my stories. my username is Tacocat1229 can't wait to see you all there! Also, my computer helps with grammar so my writing should be easier to read.


@Imsleepy_IWANTSLEEP hi sorry I forgot I found I could just change my email but i would have to delete that account to do so it's gone and this one is here to stay sorry.


@angelflower5973 is it normal that if i Wright it i can't see ur pfp? Or profile?


Hello everyone I now I have not been around for a while bit I am starting to draw oc and things like that if anyone has any requests please talk to me!! It may take some time to get it perfect but 1-2 days at least sorry I have alought of things to do so.... sorry.


So I am thinking of doing an daily inspectional quote on my chats being sent to all me followers!! I think that these quotes help me do better in my everyday life and hope it will help you to!! So hear is the quote-
                       Sometimes you have
                       To stop being scared
                       And go for it
                       Either it will work 
                       Or it won't.
                       That's life!
          To me this says to stop being scared to do things if it does not work oh well at least you tryed!!