

          I can't comment on wattpad because of some technical difficulties but I'd love my character to b in ur Solagelo fanfic if it's not too late. Thanks.
          Name: Brooklyn Carter
          Age: 12
          Description: shoulder length dark brown curly hair, my eyes have no definite color THEYRE like green yellow and blue... Idek, freckles along my noes and cheeks, awkward smile, but only when I'm happy
          Godly parent: Aphrodite 
          Normal wear: at camp and stuff just jeans and a CHB shirt but like outside, it depends 
          Personality, etc: Very happy positive person, very awkward however. Never really hung out with any of the Aphrodite campers, prefers the Athenas. Smart, doesn't get mad easily, hates stuff with too much structure, epic romantic like she will just b on the floor shipping, kinda jumpy, really bad at sitting still, overall very friendly to everyone
          Years here: 5
          Place of Birth: New York 
          Backstory: Brooklyn was born is New York (can u guess what city ) but her dad abandoned her and her brother at age 5. They made their way from Brooklyn to Long Island, chased by monsters, lead by a styar they met on the way. 
          Brooklyn, unlike her brother, found an a home at camp half blood immediately and has been on many quests,  while her brother left within the first three months, never seen again.