
something is in the works…


hellooo!!! it feels good to be back! i am finally writing again after many many attempts at writing,, i finally sat down with someone and we decided to make a book??? possibly a series??? you won’t know until we do. but sorry for being away for so long :) 


hihi uhhh hailey here! long time no see right??? yeah that’s my bad. so i’ve been thinking, a LOT of y’all don’t like how i ended “things happen” and that’s completely understandable. soo i’ve been thinking... what if i did a trilogy of the story???? like a where are they now type thing idk. lemme know what you think 


          i know it’s been like ages since i’ve done any writing but now that i’m on like a 3 week break because of c*rona i’m gonna WRITE!!
          -hailey :))
          ps, i might be going on some dates during this break... i’ll keep y’all updated on that :))


okayyyy so i might finish the first episode/chapter type thing of “evergreen” today... i know you’re all like, “wHaTeVeR hAiLeY. yOu AlWaYs SaY tHaT!!” well... this time it’s true! i finally figured out a good way to end it and then i’ll start planning the second episode thing. it’s not a real life/social media type thing anymore because with school starting i didn’t want all the stress (sorry tryna focus on grades this year) & yeah! my vacation was extended because of hurricane dorian so i got more time to write! anywhore, love ya! *blows kisses*
          -hailey :)


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omg guys “trouble in paradise” reached 100k yesterday... holy shit. i love y’all :,) 
          -hailey :)
          ps, i might cry because i never thought people would actually read it (i’m not throwing a pity party, i’m just sayin’) but you guys mean the world to me!! i seriously love y’all