
I’m writing all day and as much as I can. I’m going to soon publish so many stories, whether they are fanfiction or not, and I hope you all will love them. I am working on many new stories and have so many new ideas on stories I want to start. Many of the new stories will definitely be out of my comfort zone to right, but it’s apart of the process of becoming a better writer. I have to stretch and write all genres until I find the one that suits me. Until then. Enjoy all stories and thank you if you stick around.


I’m writing all day and as much as I can. I’m going to soon publish so many stories, whether they are fanfiction or not, and I hope you all will love them. I am working on many new stories and have so many new ideas on stories I want to start. Many of the new stories will definitely be out of my comfort zone to right, but it’s apart of the process of becoming a better writer. I have to stretch and write all genres until I find the one that suits me. Until then. Enjoy all stories and thank you if you stick around.


Hate to say it, but I’m more invested into the other story I’m writing that I’ve lost all motivation to write My Love. I will do my best to continue to give out good chapters, so I’m sorry if the remaining chapters are poop.


@andshetypes aw we understand. Do what you enjoy! If you're planning on ending it soon you can probably do a time skip when the baby is born and wedding? Idk it's whatever you desire and invision for the book  etc...thanks for writing the books, they've been amazing‼


I suck at memory. It’s why my books are confusing. Not sure if anyone has noticed, but when I first introduced Tahani, she was Aaron’s sister and I then made her Charlie’s sister. That a mistake. I’ll keep her as Charlie’s sister, I’m sorry lmao.


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I’m posting later today, but if you plan on writing a book, story, or whatever. If you’re planning on killing all of the main characters, please end the book once you do. Personally, you wrote a book and made these characters come to live in people’s imagination and in the story that the readers grow attached. You cannot just make readers grow attached to many characters just to have them die and then continue the book. It’s silly. I get where you from from with it, but please do not make the readers sad or annoyed. If you want to have a tragedy, go ahead and kill one or two. Not all of them. Those characters were the whole reason the book came together and made it what it is. Do not kill them and continue a whole book. It’s annoying and sad