
I have not been on this account in so long but like… I haven’t been on here because I have just not been able to find anything good to read recently. Like it feels like there’s nothing for me to read and it just gets long or repetitive or boring. If you know any like recommendations then please by all means go ahead and recommend ‘em


I have not been on this account in so long but like… I haven’t been on here because I have just not been able to find anything good to read recently. Like it feels like there’s nothing for me to read and it just gets long or repetitive or boring. If you know any like recommendations then please by all means go ahead and recommend ‘em


Someone should make a slice of life book on wattpad about a fairy called the consent fairy. It’s like oneshots of people who are just about to get steamy but then the consent fairy shows up and gives a monologue about how one of them didn’t give consent and therefore enforces them to do so. It’d be kinda funny but also like serious lol.
          Don’t question my late night thoughts...


I’ve decided to make my own nsfw book because why not. I don’t know if it’ll get taken down but whatever. I don’t know if the concepts are any good but you can be the judge, I guess. Don’t report and stuff like that that’ll get it taken down.


Does anyone know of some relatively short smut books that are still pretty steamy?? I’ve been trying to read smut recently but most of the stuff I’ve read hasn’t been hitting the same.


@Delirus oof... I have heard that ones pretty good actually 


@andIoopitydoopity Satisfying the husband.  It's ✨gold✨


thanks for following me :)
          (even though I don't know where I'm going)
          I hope you have an amazing day <3


@andIoopitydoopity that's so kind! thank you and good luck with your book, I'll be really happy to read it when it comes out <3


@14thfebruary Oh, you’re welcome I guess. Your reading lists are pretty sick and and I’m trying to write my own book so I’m thinking some of the things you have saved could possibly help me.