
Oh wow I haven’t written in a while. So, I’m writing a new fanfiction. This doesn’t mean that I’m continuing my stories but we’ll see. I’m not gonna post the actually story until I’ve made a bunch of chapters so that I don’t have to worry too much about writer’s block/putting out chapters on time. I’ve already written like 4-5 chapters? So that’s good. It’s a voltron fanfic. It’s Kidge. Ig it contains season 8 spoilers?? But not really. Just so you know, I started writing this fanfic at 12am so it’s kinda stupid but... Anyway, I just wanted to update y’all. Peace!!✌
          	Storm, out!


Oh wow I haven’t written in a while. So, I’m writing a new fanfiction. This doesn’t mean that I’m continuing my stories but we’ll see. I’m not gonna post the actually story until I’ve made a bunch of chapters so that I don’t have to worry too much about writer’s block/putting out chapters on time. I’ve already written like 4-5 chapters? So that’s good. It’s a voltron fanfic. It’s Kidge. Ig it contains season 8 spoilers?? But not really. Just so you know, I started writing this fanfic at 12am so it’s kinda stupid but... Anyway, I just wanted to update y’all. Peace!!✌
          Storm, out!


So I got bad news. I’m not gonna be here for a while and might discontinue all my stories. The reason being is because I don’t have the motivation to do them anymore. If you have any questions about how the books end or you wanna continue the book yourself then let me know.


So I’ve finished the first four chapters of my new story. I started working on this story a while ago and I think you’ll like it, it does include spoilers for Season 5 of Voltron. I hope you like my story, feel free to give me feedback, and I accept suggestions. 


I know I’ve been inactive as usual but that’s because I am working on a brand new story. I’ve already written this first 3 chapters and I am currently working on the fourth. It is Voltron related and it is titled “The Spy”. I’m not publishing it yet though so you’re gonna have to wait. I will be publishing it soon though. Just thought I’d let you know ;)


So, I just updated one of my books and right now I’m actually working on more chapters for Digi-Force! And, for you Voltron lovers, I’m working on a book that is mostly based on Season 5, so, spoilers will be in it. I’m not gonna publish it yet, but I just wanted to let you all know. If you have any suggestions for books, just let me know! <3


So, I’m sorry for being super inactive. Long story short is my phone wasn’t working so we had to restart it and right now I’m trying to get my contacts back and stuff. Also school is stressing me out and I have a ton of homework so I can’t update most of the time. I also do basketball and I’m in my school play and I play cello and I sing so I have concerts left and right. But, basketball season is over, the play is next week(more free time once it’s over, and once both of my concerts are done I will have a ton more free time. I will try to update as much as I can.