
So, I have heard and seen the videos of people's fanfiction being profited and all that stuff and now, I'm a bit scared to put most of my stories on here. granted yes, I have been completely in active and I am sorry about that, but the fact that fanfics made from others r being profited like that. I am going to see what I can try to do as I post most of my stories, maybe see if I can try placing a water mark or something. so I hope for the best???


@an1memeister  Happened to me twice now with my BNHA fic so I've been thinking of taking it down. I've lost all motivation to write it. And even if you do watermark it, it still aint safe from thieves. I'm just getting tired of it at this point. Since I'm not in the BNHA fandom sphere anymore, I've been thinking of taking it down instead to avoid sneaks to profit out of it


So, I have heard and seen the videos of people's fanfiction being profited and all that stuff and now, I'm a bit scared to put most of my stories on here. granted yes, I have been completely in active and I am sorry about that, but the fact that fanfics made from others r being profited like that. I am going to see what I can try to do as I post most of my stories, maybe see if I can try placing a water mark or something. so I hope for the best???


@an1memeister  Happened to me twice now with my BNHA fic so I've been thinking of taking it down. I've lost all motivation to write it. And even if you do watermark it, it still aint safe from thieves. I'm just getting tired of it at this point. Since I'm not in the BNHA fandom sphere anymore, I've been thinking of taking it down instead to avoid sneaks to profit out of it


so, I have finally come to a decision that I am no longer going to be writing fanfics and will from now on focus on my original stories. I have not had any inspiration for so long and have considered deactivating my account for that matter. but then, I decided that I wanted to put out there my original stories instead and have that as my main focus. so yes, I am going to be putting original stories on here from now on, I will keep my old unupdated stories as well in case anyone wants to read those still
          also I am very sorry to those who wanted to read what happens in my fanfics. in truth, I kept watching new shows and movies, then all of a sudden creating OC's for it and their stories about how to collide with the main characters and their stories, so I would be forgetting about the many other stories that I have while focusing on the new characters I have created. so yeah, I'm a terrible author
          but I do hope to change for the better and ally followers. once again I thank you all for the understanding and will be posting again on here shortly 


ok so ummm, I'm really sorry fellow anime lovers, I am currently and slowly losing most of my inspiration for "I will be your light in darkness" and I am planning on rewriting it maybe. or discontinuing it. God I am such a terrible other and I am so sorry. I have had no inspiration to write whatsoever and I keep going from writing one book to writing another, like I'm so indecisive when I do it. so once again sorry everyone, and I will try to do a bit better


alright so, I am finally almost done with the next chapter of "I Will Be Your Light in Darkness" and I will be posting at least I hope. internet hasn't been working over here these days QAQ
          also once again I do work and am currently struggling with bills, so sorry everyone and I thank u for ur patients