
Assalamu alaikum!
          	I just published chapter 17 of my book ‘Between Two Hearts’. Will love it if you do check it out. 


Assalamu alaikum sister.
          Have you read this book?
           I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you haven't then you are missing out. Do give my book achance and i hope you fall in love with my writing. Do give me a follow of possible.



Assalamu alaikum.
          The prophet (SAW) said; “The best du’a done is the one during ARAFA, and the du’a I and the prophets before used to say is; Laa Ilaaha illaLlahu wahdahu laa sharikalahu Lahul mulku wa Lahul hamdu waHuwa alaa kulli shay’in qadeer”.
          “There’s no God worthy of worship except Allah, He is the One and Only, no partner or associate does He have, to Him belongs the entire kingdom, to Him belongs all gratitude and praise, and He is able to do anything”.
          May Allah accept it from us and you.


@aminatuh_ Ameen ya hayyu ya qayyum 


Hi good morning.
          I mistakenly delete the chapter I updated yesterday, when I already have a number of reads and comments. *crying and heartbreak* thank God I don’t use to write directly on wattpad. I’m sorry please for those that vote, vote again and for those that commented, please comment again so that I can reply you. Thank you so much