
Guys! I’ve been writing so much over the past few months! I’ve decided to post a new chapter soon because I hit 1k reads!!! Which is freaking amazing! Love you guys! Do you guys want a new story too or should I keep writing and make it better then post it? 


Guys! I’ve been writing so much over the past few months! I’ve decided to post a new chapter soon because I hit 1k reads!!! Which is freaking amazing! Love you guys! Do you guys want a new story too or should I keep writing and make it better then post it? 


New things soon?! 
          Honestly idk what to do with TSM I'll come back to it eventually but at the moment my heart isn't in the book like it used to be. I love the characters and storyline but for now I'll set it aside till the time feels right. 
          New things are coming soon and I can't wait for y'all to see them. Summer is creeping up and that's when I write the most so expect new stories and possibly updates on TSM! 
          ILYSM! ❤️ —AMELIA


Omg I feel like an utter idiot for not updating sooner the writing juices for this story haven't been flowing lately and I'm sorry. I love this story though so please don't loose hope in me and the book. I do have other stories in the works right now so updates for this will be slow so I'm sorry. I hope you like the new chapter.


I'm updating soon! I'm so sorry it's been so long since I last updated. I really love this story and i think you'll be shocked with what's coming up in the next chapters. I took some time off of writing due to writers block and personal problems. But writing is my passion and I plan on following through with it. 


Wow over 300 reads on TSM!! I can't believe it! I never thought that my book would get over maybe fifty reads. I know it's only 300 but it's a lot to a young writer. I can't wait to show my upcoming work to you guys. There is far more to the book than you think. I'll have to do some more writing for it though since my prewritten stuff is almost all gone. Trust me I'm coming up with a schedule, I will try to update more frequently. Ilysm have an amazing day everyone!


Okay so cool started and I'm already loaded with homework on the third day... but I love posting so I'm gonna make a schedule and try to keep up with the posts. 
          Now I have an exciting announcement to make. I thought I would always be one of those fans who never gets to see their favorite bands play live well...I GET TO SEE 5SOS LIVE!!! Ahhh! They have seriously helped soo many people through so many things me included and getting to go to a show is just bind blowing. I wanted to announce it because it's exciting for me I swear I'm not trying to boast. I love u guys so so so so much!