
Today, I'm officially getting back to work! Before I dive in, I'd like to take stock of my plans:
          	I haven't made much progress on Maëlstria this summer, mainly because I want to address some questions about my universe and its context before continuing with my editing. In the meantime, I'll likely publish some texts, but these will probably be in French only (as the current level of progress of these texts wouldn't justify the effort of translating them).
          	However, the "Let's talk" articles should make a comeback this autumn, in both French and English! If you're interested in specific themes, please let me know. Currently, I have one in progress about managing rhythm in a story and another about the different ways to be productive as an author.
          	To be honest, I don't expect to be as active as I was last spring. I'd like to establish fixed times during the week to read the chapters of the stories I'm following. So don't be surprised if it takes me a few days to read your updates or respond to you!
          	That's all! Looking forward to reconnecting with you!


@amanibal oh my goodness! You're back! I hope you were refreshed on your break. I'm glad to hear you've been working on your story offline. I hope that went well. I saw you left my story some comments. Thanks so much for that! It's good to have you back! ❤️❤️


Today, I'm officially getting back to work! Before I dive in, I'd like to take stock of my plans:
          I haven't made much progress on Maëlstria this summer, mainly because I want to address some questions about my universe and its context before continuing with my editing. In the meantime, I'll likely publish some texts, but these will probably be in French only (as the current level of progress of these texts wouldn't justify the effort of translating them).
          However, the "Let's talk" articles should make a comeback this autumn, in both French and English! If you're interested in specific themes, please let me know. Currently, I have one in progress about managing rhythm in a story and another about the different ways to be productive as an author.
          To be honest, I don't expect to be as active as I was last spring. I'd like to establish fixed times during the week to read the chapters of the stories I'm following. So don't be surprised if it takes me a few days to read your updates or respond to you!
          That's all! Looking forward to reconnecting with you!


@amanibal oh my goodness! You're back! I hope you were refreshed on your break. I'm glad to hear you've been working on your story offline. I hope that went well. I saw you left my story some comments. Thanks so much for that! It's good to have you back! ❤️❤️


Well, let me give you a brief overview of where I'm heading with my writing projects.
          A few years ago, as part of a student project, I decided to create a fantasy literature webzine featuring novels (multiple chapters from various novels with illustrations) as well as informative articles about writing and the publishing industry.
          After the first edition, I decided to set the project aside because I was managing it on my own. Producing some of the illustrations, acting as an editor for other authors' texts, finding collaborators, conducting interviews, in addition to formatting and promoting the webzine, became quite overwhelming. Especially considering that during this time, my personal writing projects were not progressing.
          However, now I feel like giving it another shot... in an adapted format.
          Anyway, I won't reveal more at the moment, but if you happen to be curious, the first edition of the webzine (available in French only, unfortunately) can be found at the following link:


@naur_writes Thank you so much!! :3


@amanibal it looks amazing!!!


Hey everyone! I've been away all summer because I needed to take a step back and reevaluate some of my projects, but I'm planning to come back soon! There might be some changes in how I publish content, but I'll give you more details when the time comes. This should include new "Let's talk!" chapters. In the meantime, I hope to catch up on my reading backlog soon! 


Hey, haven't heard from you in a while. Just wanted to drop by and check on you. Hope everything's good. Take care!


@amanibal Glad to hear you're ok. I also saw you stepped down from judging the Zvezda Awards so I was wondering what happened. But no pressure, they got someone else to take your place. Hope you'll get 100% out of your troubles soon. :)


Hello! Thank you for asking, it makes me really happy ☺️I've been having little trouble lately, but everything is slowly coming back together. I hope to be officially back this weekend. I hope all is well with you too!


Hey everyone! So, finally, I've caught a few minor viruses over the past couple of weeks, played the new Zelda (yay), and even visited a clairvoyant (a curious experience). In other words, my productivity hasn't been up to scratch. It made me realize that, after all, I don't feel up to managing the rewriting and translation of Maelstria while also writing articles for Let's Talk and keeping up with my readings. So I think I'll take Let's Talk offline, even if it means bringing it back in the autumn or when I have more energy.
          Anyway, that was a lot of text just to say that I'm hopeful I'll be back with a new chapter of Maelstria soon! Until then, I wish you all a wonderful week! ^^


@amanibal Okay, awesome! Do what's best for you (:


@AnnamitaMuscaria Yes, it's easy to get scattered when trying to work on multiple projects at once, or at least, that's my case. Even if I'm super motivated, I always end up feeling overwhelmed ^^


@enyaclancy @enyaclancy For Let's talk, I haven't made up my mind yet on whether I should leave it on my profile, knowing that I don't intend to update it in the near future, or if I should put it back as a draft until I get back to it. I'm still trying to decide on the most optimal strategy ^^ In any case, the articles should still be there for some time, in case you still feel like reading them!


Hello! It's confirmed that the next Let's Talk will be uploaded next weekend. I've just started reaching out to some authors to get some inspiration (I'll keep my topic secret for now).
          Also, I wanted to ask if there's any specific content you'd like to see discussed in the coming weeks? Any themes you'd like me to research? Let me know, and I'll take your suggestions into consideration!
          Have a nice evening everyone!


@amanibal I'll be letting you know my thoughts soon! Once I catch up on my notifications lol


@HeideHunt I hadn't thought of pace at all, but it would definitely be great to explore! The Hook could be pretty interesting too!


@enyaclancy Glad you like the idea of the book! I hope you'll find the articles interesting! :D


Hi, thank you so much for the stars on the first 9 chapters of my story!
          It gave me a lot of courage to continue writing, also on the days when I got a bit stuck, I still tried to think of scenarios and didn't give up. I really appreciate your support ❤️


Hello everyone! The first chapter of Maelstria in French and the sixth chapter in English are now up! I encourage you to go take a look! 
          As for Let's Talk I've decided not to post this week. Due to some internet connectivity issues, I'm a bit behind on my reading and need to catch up first. However, it's not impossible that I'll find something to publish tomorrow or tuesday!
          In any case, I wish you all a fabulous week!


@amanibal I don’t actually know. I think they lived in Paris? I’m sorry, I don’t really know any other places apart from that. It’s like how people think abt Sydney. They don’t really care abt any of its other amazing suburbs. 


@AnaraElementresia Yes, I'm from Quebec City, so I speak French! It's interesting to learn that you have French-speaking friends! Where are they from?


@amanibal U speak French? I have a friends from there.