
I seriously cannot believe FTM has over 90 THOUSAND READS! Thank you so much to everyone who has read and commented such positive feedback. I wrote this story for fun and thought it might get a hundred reads if I was lucky, so it's really amazing to see how well it's done!
          	Alyssa xx


Hi i love FTM it was amazing :) i was also the 100,000 reader. Youre an amazing writer :)


@Glorious_Rumble of course its truly amazing youre fantastic :)


@Glorious_Rumble Thank you so much! I can't even believe this story got to 100 000 that's insane! It means a lot that you took the time to read and enjoy it :D


Hey guys, some of you might be wondering when I'll next be updating but at this time I can only say I don't know sorry! I have exams next week and a lot going on right now but I'll try my hardest to get something to you guys. Now that I've almost finished school I'll actually be super busy working but don't worry, I haven't abandoned the story!
          Thank you so much for all the support guys, I never expected anything to come from this series and I am so happy with the result!
          Alyssa xx


You know that Jordan Sweeto is a homosexual right? 
          If not.. well now you know


All I do, other than go outside, is read, write, and study for my classes.


@CreepyMcCreepster @alyssa_jean23 @blackwithveil well last I had heard he was in a relationship with a guy and I don't have a Twitter account so I wouldn't know, my apologies. My sister watches him constantly, and she is always talking about how much she loves him but she and I were under the impression he was homosexual. I am more of an outdoors person, so I don't really have the time time sit in front of my computer all day, watch Youtube and Netflix, and snack on muffins, cookies, and other sugar filled goodies.


I even saw her today!