Hello there, 

Are u lost ? Well if u think you're not I'm afraid to say u must be because I'm not publishing anything here anymore... too late !

Anyway... It happens that, sometimes, I pop here to see if there's anything interesting to catch my attention but then, I go into hibernation again... don't expect me to predict how long it'll last.
If u don't get the message : I'm unlikely to answer if you send me a message... but who would after all ?
However... If you still want to speak to the weirdo who wrote this at 2 am, and if you have a taste for old things... I might pop in to answer you sooner than you think ;)

Sweet dreams dearest companion
  • Back in the 80s... 1880s of course! Who do u think I am ?
  • JoinedSeptember 5, 2017
