
is it possible that logan is siblings with virgil and remy?
          	hear me out the siblings in sanders sides seem to be connected and if you think about it the three are connected in a way. one of the main reasons for anxiety and insomnia is usually caused by overthinking which can be if not most of the time is caused by a certain type of logic


@--himiko__toga--  no..not possible...Cant be true..


V!Silver: I like you so you're spared for now.


@IMightFUYL V! Faceless: I think you're cool too! You're invited to the sleepover! We have all the tea, pillow fights, and suprise adoption of heroes.


is it possible that logan is siblings with virgil and remy?
          hear me out the siblings in sanders sides seem to be connected and if you think about it the three are connected in a way. one of the main reasons for anxiety and insomnia is usually caused by overthinking which can be if not most of the time is caused by a certain type of logic


@--himiko__toga--  no..not possible...Cant be true..