
It’s summer. Why is my mental health so bad? 


Yes, I know it is 12:03. 
          Did I say I would have the next chapter posted by Sunday? 
          Is it Sunday anymore?
          Do I only have 963 words written for chapter 31?
          Am I going to get it posted tonight?
          Most likely not. 
          I'm not a writer. I dabble. I also have ADD therefore it's extremely hard for me to sit down for long periods of time and just write continuously. And believe me when I tell you that even writing periodically throughout the week is stressful. 
          I'll try to have chapter 31 up by tomorrow or Tuesday. 
          Sorry for the delay.
          Love <3


          I’m sorry for not updating as frequently. 
          Life’s gotten crazy. 
          I moved. 
          Enrolled in a new school. 
          Made new friends. 
          Joined the volleyball team.
          And am now starting rehearsals for the Spring musical. 
          I’ve started writing again.
          I’m not sure how much I’ll update. 
          I’ll try though.
          I just wanted you all to know that I’m trying. 
          All my love, 


Happy Pride Month my loves! 
          I myself am a straight female with she/her pronouns, but I support each and every one of you who are part of the lgtbq+ community. 
          Love is love, no matter what.
          Even if you’re not part of the lgtbq+ community, I still love and support you as well. 
          Anyway, I love y’all so much you have absolutely no idea <33


The 23rd anniversary: 
          • Teddy lost his mother and father
          • George lost his other half
          • Dennis lost his hero
          • Parvarti lost her best friend
          • Draco lost his godfather
          •Fifty others lost their lives 
          So today we raise our wands for those who gave their lives for the cause. /* 


Literally no one asked but GUYS WE HIT 3k!!! 
          I know that may not seem like a lot to y’all, but to me it feels like a huge accomplishment.
          Anyway... thank you to everyone who reads my book and just to my followers in general, even if you’re not reading it. I love each and every one of you to the moon and back!! 
          MWAH!! <3