
Heyyyyy guys! Chapters 19 (Happy Reunion...sort of) and 20 (Mr. Gatula becomes me wing-man. Almost.) are up now. Please, please, please go check them out!


What?! What is this sorcery? Two updates in a row! 
          Indeed, my beautiful readers. Chapters 16 (Skyscrapers, for Dummies) and Chapter 17  (The Anatomy of a Freak)! 
          If you have the time, please, please go check these out! I don't want to spoil anything...but The Anatomy of a Freak may or may not be where D'Shana and Oliver finally meet for the first time.  
          Please, please have an amazing day (or night)! Things are getting tough, but we can be tougher! Besides, quarantine gives all of us introverts to read for 11 hours haha. 
          Love you all!