
guys . go follow my new acc @watanalin . this is my newest acc and KAU DAN AKU also published there with a new title which is NAIRA . 
          	go read it and support okay . its an edited version so there'll be difference and character development and undeveloped . 
          	thanks for all the support my lovelies<333


guys . go follow my new acc @watanalin . this is my newest acc and KAU DAN AKU also published there with a new title which is NAIRA . 
          go read it and support okay . its an edited version so there'll be difference and character development and undeveloped . 
          thanks for all the support my lovelies<333


Bismillahirrohmanirrahim , Assalamualaikum and hye awak (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)
          oho ahapa khabar ?! okayy mungkin some of you akan rasa yang asal story saya ni macam sama dengan satu story ( even possibility itu adalah sangat rendah kerna story itu tidaklah pemes ) , maka untuk mengelakkan saya dipm ( walaupun ianya mustahil ) " kenapa story awak sama dengan satu story yang saya baca ? " , 
          maka ! saya ingin memberitahu bahawa yes saya dulu ada satu acc ' alinnasuhaaa ' , and yes itu dulu acc lama saya and waktutu kan ada satu rumor bahawa ada satu website yang like membahayakan story story yang dipublish , so saya sebagai hamba Allah yang jenis act without action telah mendelete story saya , shet .
          nasib aku ada simpan draft dia dekat device phone (´ . .̫ . `)
          so nahh , saya try upload balik and saya ada edit and add part as well , saya harap korang still akan support and so on ! 
          i lopiyu gayaes ! ಥ_ಥ