
Hey guys.  How are you? 
          	I am so sorry that I haven't done anything. I promised you guys I would upload a new book but I didn't. I was scared no one would read it or everyone would hate it. And I just always keep postponing when I should upload it. I am the worst I know. 
          	Now I have also decided to not even upload the new book. It was a stupid idea. I don't think I will do anything if writing arts for a while. I lost all my motivation to write so I am just going to read for a while. I am sorry for the promises I didn't keep with you guys. Please
          	Love you guys forever and ever


Hey guys.  How are you? 
          I am so sorry that I haven't done anything. I promised you guys I would upload a new book but I didn't. I was scared no one would read it or everyone would hate it. And I just always keep postponing when I should upload it. I am the worst I know. 
          Now I have also decided to not even upload the new book. It was a stupid idea. I don't think I will do anything if writing arts for a while. I lost all my motivation to write so I am just going to read for a while. I am sorry for the promises I didn't keep with you guys. Please
          Love you guys forever and ever


@beeplalala  well the book right now is going very cliche right now. Not to be rude or mean. Like us readers can tell where the relationship is going. There should be like ups and downs in their relationship. For example she just confessed to him about why she cuts. Now maybe make something bad happen. Something that the feast won't expect. Like when Dylan was running late to meet up with Delilah he was doing something bad. I don't know. Or the plot twist could be Dylan used to get abused by his parents and well he killed both of them and now he is on the run. I think that was a bad idea. 
          It doesn't really matter what I say. You are the writer. What you write goes.  
          Make sure to keep writing.


@aliciaj1230 thanks..  really you weren't rude I accept any advice/comments about it.  


Hi, thanks for following me, still confused on the fact that you followed me. Haha, anyways, your profile is pretty impressive ! And, I like what you think or said about your own country, that's realllllllyyy good ! 
          Bye ! ^^;


Hey guys so I finally came to the conclusion that I would post another another story called   Rants About My Home Country. My home country is India so the title is self explanatory. I hope you give this book a chance and I've been wanting to write about this topic for a long time. Many times I feel like people often make assumptions about India and I get really mad about it because most of the time it's not true. Also through this book you will get to see a my life. I hope you guys enjoy the book and make sure you look out for the book. I will be posting the first chapter definitely before the summer ends but I don't know when. I am getting ready to go to India and I'm staying there practically for the whole summer and I don't know if I will be able to update their.  I just wanted to tell you guys this, and if you have any questions feel free to message me. 
          THANK YOU!
          Love you guys forever and ever,


Hey guys!  So this is what I have decided.  I will be deleting my story, My Mate. I just don't know what to write anymore. I don't want it to be cliche but I still want to though. It's confusing. I am just going to delete my story. I am really sorry. 
          Love you guys forever and ever,