
@LonnieLuz Hello there LonnieLuz. In answer to your question, no, they aren't all in present tense. When I started writing Hunting Vixen and DOTM, I was in a Hunger Games phase, and that series is in present tense, so... Anyway, I'm very glad you like my stories.


Hi, I just wanted to tell you that your story "My Beautiful One" is absolutely amazing. Hands down the best mortal instruments fanfiction I have ever read. You probably won't but I am hoping you will make another fanfiction about the mortal instruments. It's okay if you don't, I just wanted you to know you are a fantastic writer and should never stop.   :) 


@pyromaniac425 and @Izzicle I agree! I absolutely love "My Beautiful One" it's one of the best SHADOWHUNTER books I've ever read. Though, I'm partial to sebastion morgenstern he is one of my favorite characters from the series. I cried so hard after COHF because I wanted him to have another chance. 


@Pyromaniac425 Seconded!
            'My Beautiful one' is one of my favourites and one of the few fanfics I read more than once. Its brilliant!


I'm really enjoying the daughter of Artemis book you are currently writing! I find myself looking forward to all the updates!!


I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I have already started on the next chapter, so that should be up soon.
            Thanks for following!


@elohi_ Seconded!
            Daniel was wet. Cam was awesome.


I adore that series. I read them a while ago so I can't really remember all the details, but I was thrilled to hear that there is a movie coming out. Actually, I didn't know until you just sent that message so thanks! So: I've done a little research but I can't find any release date other than 2015. Nothing more specific than that, unfortunately... but I'll look out for any news and if I find anything I'll tell you!
          Yay fallen fans!
          alicearya08 (:
          p.s. What's your opinion on Cam? Personally, I always preferred him to Daniel as a character.