
Happy New Year everyone!
          	I miss you y’all❤️!


@alexza19 kailan kapo maguupload po ng story mo po ?




Hellow ate alexx >< I've missed u sm huhu, Thank you for finally updating the book and you're writing skills still amazes me to this day even tho it's been like 2 years haha, I was just wondering kung ok lang po i promote yung the lost one to tiktok and Facebook if that's alright, i want more people to see how good ur works are and how underrated they are, I'm still really grateful to this day na nakita ko at nabasa ang story niyo so i would like to share my enjoyment to everyone kasi i genuinely think ur works are amazing, if it's ok, i would understand if hindi mo po gusto or if ur uncomfortable
          But all of those aside, i wish ur life and education is great and happy, make sure to take care of yourself and eat regularly, your mental health is also important so pls take care
          Thank you very much again ate alexza ^^ ONLY BEST WISHES FOR YOU !! >0<


@alexza19 Thank you so muchhh atee!! This is my tiktok account if you wanna see the slideshow, i mostly do promotional vids via slideshows @jinvxy
            Thank you again for giving me permission!! I'll properly credit you atee, have a nice day poo!! 


@Jinvxyyyy, Hi, love!
            Thank you immensely for your heartfelt message and unwavering support. It truly means a lot. Absolutely, you have my full permission to promote "She Who Comes Back -The Lost One-" on TikTok and Facebook. I'm deeply touched by your desire to share your enjoyment of my work with others. Please feel free to do so, and don't worry—I trust you'll give proper credit. Your kind words about my writing mean the world to me. As for your thoughtful wishes regarding my life, education, and well-being, I'm deeply grateful. Rest assured, I'll take good care of myself, both physically and mentally. Thank you again, and remember, your support means everything. Only the best to you too!❤️


Happy New Year everyone!
          I miss you y’all❤️!


@alexza19 kailan kapo maguupload po ng story mo po ?




Hey guys! Hope y'all doing great.
          I have unpublish Agatha/Crystal's book "SHE WHO COMES BACK -THE LOST ONE" just like I said I would because I will be rewriting and revising it. I have publish it again with only synopsis for now.  
          That's all. Thank you for continuous support! I love you all. Take care and keep safe.
          ~Alexzandria Blue Rose


@alteaskykeith, no po. Wala pong nabago sa mga characters or nadagdag. They will remain as it is. It will just be rewritten and revised.


@alexza19 sana po wag specially sa mga deity si mavi na lang po naaalala ko


I just want you to know that I appreciate and love every dedication you have on your books miss alex, even tho you don't really have a big fanbase, you still do what you like, It really inspires me to write books aswell, You're the reason why i wanted to write books for a long time now <333
          We love you Miss Alexxxx, Stay safe and healthy and don't forget to take of yourself poo <33 


To all my readers and followers,
          I want to inform you that I'll be temporarily taking down Agatha/Crystal's first book, "She Who Comes Back - The Lost One," to undergo an extensive revision process. It has always been my intention to enhance and refine the story. Some sections will be entirely rewritten, while others will be revised for improvement.
          Starting from September 1, the first book will be temporarily unpublished, which means it might disappear from your reading lists and libraries. However, I am committed to publishing it again with a fresh set of reworked and improved chapters. Please bear with me as I work on this project, but do understand that it may be somewhat inconsistent due to my return to school.
          For those who haven't had the chance to read it yet or plan to re-read it, you have until August 31 to do so.
          That’s all. I’ll always feel grateful for you’re never ending support. Wishing you all the best! I love you all!
          Warmest and best regards,
          Alexzandria Blue Rose❤️


@alexza19 this is a really late reply, I'll be waiting for your republishing the book miss alexxx, i just want you to know that I'll always be waiting <333


Hello Ateh blue!!
          Nice to see you again in this app, I hope you're doing fine 
          Always remember that we( your beloved readers) always here for you no matter happen . And i really hope that you would publish the story for Starlight near in the future . I will support you always ateh and i believe that someday your book will be known 
          -( ateh are you still using your fb account? Alexa19 ? May chat po ako don)


@alteaskykeith hi love! Thanks for the continuous support. Sorry, I'm not really active in my socials but I'll check now for you.❤


My current thoughts about the lost one!! (I just wanna share my thoughts hehe)
          - My favorite couple is definitely Irene and Darklight, They're so cute and their chemistry is just perfect, They are so good together omg ong fr fr
          - I want a new male lead/j
           - Zach is getting into my nerves to the point that i want a new love interest for Crystal HWGAGAGAGAGA
          - Crystal is of course still slaying as usual fr, She's such a Girlboss, A queen, An Icon UGH I LOVE HER
          - Beatrice absolutely getting cold and distant is so good but so sad too, She's emo now/j, But fr i love her speech on how Crystal suffered sm, I reread it it so many times my emotions in my heart
          (We love you author <333)


          Don't forget to always take care of yourself, Don't stress yourself too much and we love you ateee!! I'll always be cheering for you!! I was an old reader but u didn't remember the password in my old acc so i made a new one, I immediately looked for your story as I made this new acc huhu
          I've always loved ur work ate and I've been making scenarios about it 24/7, You don't know how much i love the lost one and it has become my all time favorite!!
          Good luck on your studies, YOU GOT THISSS!!! ^^


@Jinvxyyyy awwww. Thank you so much! Take care always too! ❤ 


Hello, everyone! I hope this message finds you all doing well. Firstly, I want to apologize for the delay in updates. I know many of you have been eagerly waiting for them, and while I was able to provide a temporary update on Agatha/Crystal's book, I unfortunately can't promise any specific dates for the next one.
          That said, I also wanted to take a moment to update you all about myself. Lately, I've been receiving messages and comments (from the book), and I really appreciate your interest and support. However, I've also been dealing with some personal challenges that have made it difficult for me to write as much as I would like.
          It's great to hear from you guys! I've missed you a lot and I've definitely missed writing, but unfortunately my studies have been making it difficult for me to be consistent with it. It's been taking a toll on me, and I've been dealing with a lot of stress related to college. I'm also struggling mentally and emotionally, but I don't want to give up on writing.
          Right now, my priority is to finish this book to the best of my ability. It's going to take a while, and I ask for your continued patience and support as I work through it. Thank you so much!
          Take care, and stay safe always.
          XOXO Best regards,
          Alexzandria Blue Rose


Always willing to wait♡