
ohhhhh i’ve been busyyyy


just want to put it out there that harry is STILL completely silent about genocide.  for a man who advocates for peace and kindness, you’d think he would be the first to speak on it.  him using his platform would encourage SO many people to spread awareness and as sad as it is that some people need their idol to speak about things for them to care — we truly need ALL the voices we can get for palestine right now. 
          i am utterly disappointed at his silence.  he was SO quick to speak on abortion, gun violence, etc.  you cannot tell me that it’s because of his management or image.  SO many celebrities have spoke up and their career hasn’t been impacted whatsoever.  i’m shocked and disappointed with him. 


@lovelixirs THIS!!!! 
            and then people defend said people by saying they aren’t allowed to, or that celebrities speaking up won’t make a difference.  like… ariana grande posted ONE link and the donation gained over 30 THOUSAND. so many celebrities don’t realise how influential they are, honestly.  it makes me question how kind and sincere harry actually is. it’s so telling. 


this is so common especially among the “pro peace” “activist” celebrities - they’re so quick to talk on other issues but have not said a single thing about palestine ! 
            it’s honestly baffling and disappointing to see this come from people with such high influence.


your silence automatically makes you complicit.  
          using your voice is absolutely vital and DOES make a difference.  i cannot sit here any longer and silently notice so many people remain (loudly and knowingly) silent.  all we are asked to do is use OUR VOICE.  
          i’ve learned that palestine really has taught us the meaning of strength.  emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.  they continue to show the world the hope they have and it truly amazes me how consistent and resilient they are.  
          please use your voice.  no matter if you have 2 followers or 200 thousand. it WILL make a difference.  


@alexasonlyangel lemme go post my ranting in my ann. ily forever


@alexasonlyangel silence is compliance sorry for the million word rant bby


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@alexasonlyangel its not even js that. the only reason the so called "isreal!tes" exist are bc the palestinian ppl TOOK THEM IN as an act of love when fucking EUROPE kicked them out. now europes the ones funding this genocide when they "tried" so hard to stop the genocide on the jews. u cant look at this from a historical perspective and tell me it wasnt planned.


hey baddies. if you’ve noticed that silent has vanished, that’s because it’s been taken down.  i went through months of planning this story, trying to find a way to deal with my trauma and my mental health.  however — ever since writing it, my mental health and trauma has declined.  i don’t feel comfortable going into it right now — but just know that when the time is right, maybe zealia’s story will come to light.  
          have another work i’ve been working on (since last year) that i want to share with you if you’re not too mad at me.  please be gentle, it’s my own fault for jumping into something too fast. love u always x 


don’t worry!! take care of yourself <3 that’s a priority!! hope we can read about zealia's story in the future :) 


@alexasonlyangel im sorry baby take as much time as u need we'll always be here mwah mwah mwah <3


happy (very late) men’s mental health awareness month.  
          if you read split, you’ll know one of my main focuses was men’s mental health.  we need to break the sigma and END the silence.  men’s feelings MATTER just as much as anybody else’s.  if a fictional character can speak up, SO CAN YOU! <3