
Hey, I'd love to read your story if you could read mine and comment and vote plz. I m new and only have 2 votes


Hi Alexagoodman, 
          You showed an interest in my piece Vampire Vacation a ways back. I've been off Wattpad for months, but in case you're interested, I came back today after the book's release and posted a ton of chapters up for free reading.
          Happy Holidays!


Hey, I read your comment in a topic in the club "Romance" and you wanted an original love story?
          well..uhh i think you mean like  something like my story.
          The Sweet Bad Boy Taught Me Love

          please just check out the first chapter, if you don't like it, you don't have to read the rest, and you can stop. (But the more you read the more it gets better)
          but u don't have to...:)
          thank you!


Hello Im Chikita
          I was wondering if you could pleaz read my stories called
           'I stole form him and he loves me...why?' && 'Why do things always happen to me' I really need some feedback and could you pleaz vote&&comment and possibly become a fan. Im pretty sure you'll like it :)) Thanks if you read it Id really apricate a vote!!!