
Happy New Year guys!!
          	I’ll Be Your Melody is now 10k reads!! Yay!! 
          	Thank you guys for reading my stories despite all the errors and stuff. I am not a professional writer and 10k is already big enough for me.
          	I know I haven’t been active lately, sorry about that. To my readers who are still waiting for an update, I will try my best to update really soon, to new readers thank you for taking the time.
          	Have a blessed new year everyone. Love you.


Happy New Year guys!!
          I’ll Be Your Melody is now 10k reads!! Yay!! 
          Thank you guys for reading my stories despite all the errors and stuff. I am not a professional writer and 10k is already big enough for me.
          I know I haven’t been active lately, sorry about that. To my readers who are still waiting for an update, I will try my best to update really soon, to new readers thank you for taking the time.
          Have a blessed new year everyone. Love you.


Hi guys. I know I haven’t been updating my stories and I’m really sorry about that.
          I have published a new one shot story in hope that I could get back to writing again and be able to complete those stories I left hanging.
          Thank you for reading.


Sorry if I haven’t updated much, been busy with work lately ☺️ Thank you for always waiting and reading my stories.


Patiently waiting for your next stories/updates  


@akosilita31 please continue write about changsub.. thank youuuuuuuu 


Who’s your favorite boyfriend???hihihihi


@akosilita31 ahhhh why im so forgetful ‍♀️


@aira_hieralala that’s Chorong’s picture actually hahaha


@akosilita31 i think i recognize but i forgot totally 


I will be publishing part IV of Beyond The Chaos on Feb 14  who’s excited?


What do Koreans do for Lunar New Year? For research purposes only *coughs Beyond the Chaos III 


@akosilita31 I'm excited for more cuteness from ChangRong & their kids :D


@akosilita31 Families typically celebrate the holiday by gathering together and preparing large amounts of food. Koreans who are traveling home to their family often bring gifts for the relatives hosting them, and gifts of food are popular. Cases of fruit, “sets” of sauces or other special food items such as Spam (sounds strange as a gift, but Spam’s been popular in Korea ever since the Korean War!) are common gifts. Each family tends to hold their own traditions of what to eat. Jeon, a savory Korean pancake, is a common new year’s dish. One particularly special dish: ddeokguk, or rice cake soup is linked to an interesting Seollal practice.