
I demand that you read book LOL *dab* 


Do you rp?


@FutureDiaryAyano Aww I don't have my Kik anymore. I'm kind of lackluster in my social media in general haha 


Ah, no worries, my dude!
            You should try Kik. It's fun!


@FutureDiaryAyano I don't use Wattpad for roleplaying, sorry haha. I don't use it very often in general. I'm mostly on Discord and other stuff nowadays


I'm trying to improve my penmanship and commit more time to this platform. If anyone ever has a request, please feel free to say so; I'm at a loss for ideas D:
          Thanks to everyone who's kept up with my stuff despite my constant breaks :D


I just published a new short story; check it out and tell me what you think! Sorry about my activity; this might be the last new release I give out for a while. I made it...long-ish as a kind of apology if that works, but I'm still super sorry for everyone who likes me D:


Hey! I know I haven't been active at all, but I'm putting Adora on hold. For all two people who actually liked the story, thanks for supporting me over the Summer. It's just not fair to consider it a work-in-progress when I log in only a few times per week. I'm working on a short 'lil story so I can stay in practice, but don't expect too much ;-;
          Thanks to all of my friends who've followed me on this platform. I'm not quitting, but I'm definitely not active enough to call myself a real contributor for the site.


Sorry about being dead - I'd love to create more stuff for Adora, but I've been holed up in school stuff and I've been drafting up a larger project that I'm planning on doing more in-depth stuff with. Once I can catch my drift again, I'll hopefully be able to release a new series of chapters for Adora. Until then, I'll probably remain inactive. If you want to strike up a conversation, I'll still be here, though! Wheeeee