
I want apologize for not posting recently and for also not updating my new novel "Play Time" on June 19 as promised.The reason for this is because, well, my laptop got confiscated.  Yep!! You heard me.  Confiscated!!!!! By my own mother!!! All because of rubbish. But I'll get it back and I'll also work and update em on my phone since my phone is connected to my laptop and all data are shared. So jokes on her!!! Hah!! Wish me luck.  Oh, one more thing, I'm currently doing character development and plot twist for my new novel so yeah, I thought you guys should know it ain't easy to be writing three novels at once.....it totally Nerve racking, oh and nice
          	Thank you for you patients my lovely readers!!!! It will never be forgotten.


I want apologize for not posting recently and for also not updating my new novel "Play Time" on June 19 as promised.The reason for this is because, well, my laptop got confiscated.  Yep!! You heard me.  Confiscated!!!!! By my own mother!!! All because of rubbish. But I'll get it back and I'll also work and update em on my phone since my phone is connected to my laptop and all data are shared. So jokes on her!!! Hah!! Wish me luck.  Oh, one more thing, I'm currently doing character development and plot twist for my new novel so yeah, I thought you guys should know it ain't easy to be writing three novels at once.....it totally Nerve racking, oh and nice
          Thank you for you patients my lovely readers!!!! It will never be forgotten.


I won't be publishing for a while since exams are coming up and I have to study and all. Bear in mind that I appreciated all those who have been reading and voting for my stories. 
          Chapters will be released constantly after exams but I am unsure about summer because I am considering going on job experience for two weeks. 
          Thank you for your understanding and patience.