
Hello again everyone! I just wanted to update everyone on some things, after asking around, I've decided to combine the Files for Files of Alice Denton into one ongoing story. This story is still an update- on- irregular- basis due to the fact that nursing school and my current WIP are taking up most of my attention, however, I will try to post a new update within a month or two for each file. Until then, enjoy Files 1-3, please don't forget to comment, share, follow and vote as it means so much! Until next time!


Hello again everyone! I just wanted to update everyone on some things, after asking around, I've decided to combine the Files for Files of Alice Denton into one ongoing story. This story is still an update- on- irregular- basis due to the fact that nursing school and my current WIP are taking up most of my attention, however, I will try to post a new update within a month or two for each file. Until then, enjoy Files 1-3, please don't forget to comment, share, follow and vote as it means so much! Until next time!


Hello! I've returned! And with me is the next short story in The Files of Alice Denton. File 3 is now up and ready for reading! If you want to catch up, you can find Files 1+2 on my profile! As always, if you enjoyed the story, please feel free to FOLLOW, COMMENT, and most importantly VOTE! It means a lot to know what you all think and it helps me improve as a writer! Stay safe out there and thanks for reading!


Hey everyone! Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during these stressful times! My prayers are with everyone, including those on the front lines like healthcare workers and first responders! 
          The Files of Alice Denton: File 2 is up and ready for reading. File 3 is being planned as we speak but until then please enjoy Files 1 + 2 and don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE. Your opinions, encouragements and constructive criticisms mean a great deal to me. Thanks for reading!


Hey everybody! Just a reminder the first in the short story series The Files of Alice Denton is complete and ready to read. File 2 is in the works and should be ready for publishing in a couple months. Anyone interested please feel free to check it out! If you liked the story, please don’t forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and SHARE. I want to know what everyone thinks, believe me it means a lot. Your opinions, encouragements and constructive criticisms mean something.  Thanks for reading!


For those still out there following me, I wanted to let you know of the short stories series I've started called The Files of Alice Denton. These stories will be a series of shorts, posted sporadically. It's some simple fanfic based off the mafia trend on tik tok. I wanted to get something up for people to enjoy and I figured these shorts would be a great in between while I work on the bigger WIP. Thanks for your support! Don't forget to vote!
          A.J Roszkowiak


Hello everyone! 
          So I have some sad news. I’ve decided to unpublish Robin Hood: The First Key. For those of you who have followed the story so far and are disappointed to know the end I’m sorry, I do intend to give Robin Hood a chance once more but I figured I could do so much better with the story. In my excitement to get started on Wattpad I jumped into a story which needed a lot more love than I was giving it (especially with research). I do have a WIP (this one is complete and going through editing and a search for a book cover). I want to focus on that first then hopefully work on Robin Hood again. I’m sorry dear followers, thank you for putting up with me and these ridiculous updates and thanks for sticking around! Hopefully soon I will give you all something worth reading!


Hello all again! I’m sorry for the constant updates! I just wanted to say that some of you may notice the lack of parts in Robin Hood, that’s because I decided to combine some chapters. Everything is still the same, no changes have been made to the story itself, just certain chapters are now longer than others. I did this because I still have a lot more of the story to go and I realized that if I keep to about 2000 words per chapter this book will end up with 50+ chapters, which personally I think is intimidating and exhausting to read (this is from personal experience from reading some Wattpad stories myself). So I hope doing this makes everything more reader friendly! Any concerns feel free to message me!
          Thanks for reading!


Greetings everyone!
          Good news! Expect a chapter update for Robin Hood: The First Key sometime on the 1st of September! My goal is to get back into the regular updates but since I’m busy with classes for nursing my time is currently limited to write. Therefore, my goal is to post the 1st of every month. I know it’s a big gap in between chapter updates however, I feel like I can better manage an update once a month compared to once a week with my current life schedule, there’s less disappointment there. Thank you to all of you for waiting this long!
          Please don’t forget to comment and vote it means a lot! Thanks for reading!


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Hello everyone, quick update on whats going on.
          To be honest, I actually got stuck on writing my next few chapters of Robin Hood: The First Key. So I’m taking a few steps back to flush out what I want in the story. I should’ve done this first before just jumping in because it would’ve helped me organize my thoughts better. That said...Robin Hood updates are on temporary standby until I can get its shit together. I’m really determined to finish this story for all of you, likewise I actually want it to be worth reading. I really hope to get this taken care of soon. Thanks for your patience!!