
@awsm4eva if by adult you mean twenty then yes sure I'm an adult. It was not a problem. You are a wonderful writer, I am actually surprised you are not older because of the emotion, depth, and structure of your writing. You are quite a gifted young lady. I really hope you keep up writing. Let me know if there are any other stories you would like me to look at.


Thank you so much for following me. :) 


@RoseQueen22997 Well your stories are worth the wait. even if I have to reread them to remember all the details. 


Thank you so much! *blushes* As for new stories, I do have a few plots, but as you've seen (and pointed out politely xD) that I'm an extremely late (read shitty) updater. Thank you for bearing me and waiting for my updates. :)


@RoseQueen22997 I've read both your time traveling fan fictions (or what you've written so far of them) and they are amazing. I am so hooked, I just had to follow you in case you came out with new stories.