
you look really familiar . like someone i know really well . do i know you ?


you're a blessing , truthfully . every version of you , every age , every moment . i'm gonna make sure i give my darin the good life you have and i'm gonna get sober so we can finally start a family . . . i want a child so bad , even if it scares me . i want the family you speak of so bad . you're amazing , i understand why they didn't want you to go .


@vigilantjustices  *
            i don't think you've been anything less than amazing . i worry i haven't been as amazing as you have , a lot . i see how it would , really . it's fine , really , it is kinda weird , though i am quite glad my looks have stood the test of time . if it makes you feel better , when i tried to leave today , it took me twenty minutes to get everyone to stop saying goodbye , and i still miss them .


it's just hard to break , i'm so sorry if i ever be a bad husband . from now on , i will be better for my darin , do more little things , say i love him more . he deserves the love . he's genuinely the love of my life and knowing we're still together in twenty years makes me feel much better . i keep talking as if you aren't the same person , i'm sorry , this is just weird to me and you look really good still and i haven't been away from home long today and i already miss him .