
New BOOOK is published! 


Hi everyone,
          I felt a bit discouraged to write these past weeks. When I started Wattpad, I had this idea of how my progress should be going. To be honest, it didn't go as I had planned. My books has not had the reads I wanted and this made me feel insecure about my writing abilities and made me question if I'm a good enough writer.
          Today, I am a bit hopeful and I'm holding myself accountable for my slow progress. I haven't been very active on wattpad because I'm studying and my degree has been my top priority.I will be more active on Wattpad and publish all the books I have been withholding from you.
          Our dreams are entirely up to us and they are valid.
          Love and light


@africagirl21  It's an absolute pleasure. 


@africagirl21 i just thought of smthn else: 10 - make sure to keep up decent spelling & grammar, but don't fret ab it too much. that's what editing is for. it can be really really compelling to do constant edits/rewrites, but it can hamper you from actually continuing your story. so, try to be mindful of that. anyways, no problem! i've been here for a hot minute & noticed these things. i'm glad i could help <3 
            thank you for that bcuz i seriously need it.


@FriendlyDragon478, thank you so so so much for your advice and very useful tips. I will definitely apply everything you recommended to my work and to developing my profile. I appreciate your comment so so much
            This definitely already helped me 
            Sending you virtual hugs and plenty of good vibes. 


Hi guys,
          I have a book which is very dear to my heart. I have been writing it for the past year and will only truly publish it when I'm ready.
          It truly is my baby and I wonder if I should post a few chapters.
          Let me know ❤️


Hi loves
          Just wanted to send you all virtual hugs during these uncertain times.
          We could all use some kindness during these times.
          If you ever need to talk or just need company, message me ❤️❤️❤️
          Love and light